This book contains information on all publications on rational sciences in Farsi and Arabic (printed both in and outside Iran) since the emergence of the printing industry up to March 1997. European and Asian languages on two translations from Farsi and Arabic and the bibliographies and encyclopedias have been added in this book.
Publications include the five categories of books, papers (in periodicals and collections), theses and dissertations, studies conducted by research institutions, and pamphlets (presented in seminars or published in small circulations).
Rational sciences denote classical and modern philosophies (both Islamic and non-Islamic), philosophies of science, theology (classical and modern), theoretical mysticism, logic (formal and mathematical), methodology, philosophical ethics, civil politics, and religions, ideologies, and history of philosophy.
Each entry includes the name of the compiler, peripheral information on the compiler (original Latin transcript of the names and year of birth and death), the name of the work, documentation, description, and number of entry. Documentation of books refers to the date of publication, place of publication, publisher, number of reprinting, and number of pages and documentation of papers refers to the name of collections, name of periodicals, volume, year, number, date, and page. Documentation on theses and dissertations includes the degree, name of the faculty and university, the date of defending the thesis, and the number of pages and documentation in the case of researches and pamphlets is the objectives of the study and the date of completion and/or publication.
This work has adopted the internal descriptive method that is compiling the information on every entry such as the various prints, corrections, researches, translations, descriptions, reviews, introductions, abstracts, annotations, commentaries, etc. The ambiguities concerning every entry have been clarified in the footnotes.
The information in the text is sorted alphabetically with different fonts and the information networks in this work are of three kinds: that of topics, works, and writers. The first network includes information on a compiled topic in the topical index (volume 3). The second network reviews the gathering and sorting of information related to a work and the network of writers has classified the information on each writer.
Each entry may have several bibliographic data but all in all almost 33,000 entries have been included in this work. Volume 3 is an alphabetic sorting of the four indices of people, titles, topics, and documentation. The topical index especially assists the researcher/reader in finding the appropriate references.
On the References of Rational Sciences is the result of seven years of continuous work and direct reference to the sources in most cases. This collection is the most comprehensive of its kind despite its limitations and deficiencies and is considered one of the basic instruments of research in the field of rational sciences.
Bibliography of Rational Sciences
(Publications on Rational Sciences in Persian and Arabic from the Beginning up to 1996)
(Makhazshenassiyeh oloomeh aghli: manabeyeh chapiyeh oloomeh aghli az ebteda ta 1375) Three Volumes, 32578 entries
Mohsen Kadivar in collaboration with Mohammed Nuri
Tehran: Ettela’t Publications, 2000