Islam (Introduction)

RELIGION 160, AMES 160, ICS 160

Islam (Introduction)

Mohsen Kadivar, Ph.D.

Fall 2024

Tu/Th 4:40-5:55 pm

Course Description

       Islam is simultaneously one of the most frequently discussed and least understood of the world’s major religious traditions. The current course serves as an introduction to this religious tradition, including the foundational scripture (the Qur’an), the life of the Prophet (Muhammad), and major dimensions of Islamic thought and practice ranging from ethics/law and theology to mysticism and philosophy. This course will also include a unit on contemporary debates in Islam, by examining the legacy of American Muslims.

This is an introductory course in Islam, one that does not need any background or prerequisite. It is designed for any student (of any faith background, or none) who wants to learn about Islam, its essential teachings, and its foundational sources.

We will discuss the Qur’an from two perspectives, first its history and teachings from Western scholarship. Then we focus on the interpretation of the Qur’an from Islamic scholarship. We will explore the life, essential teachings, and legacy of Prophet Muhammad in the third part of the course. This part helps the students to understand the role of the Prophet in Islamic practice, as well as traditions of devotion traced back to him.

The fourth part of the course will focus on a case study of Jihad. We learn the big misunderstandings about it not only among many non-Muslims but also so-called Muslim fundamentalists. Finally, the fifth part of the course will explore the situation of Muslims in the US, especially African American Muslims. We will use videos, and audio files in support of the content of each session. The approach of the course is critical analysis.    
